When Is The Right Time To Sell Your Family Business: Essential Tips & Strategies Why Hiring a Phoenix Business Broker Is Crucial For Selling Your Family Business If you own a business, it is likely that you are hoping to sell or transfer it one day so that you can retire using the funds from the sale. Or maybe some other factors are playing into the decision to sell. In either case, it is important
September 23, 2024
Optimizing Your Receivables For A Successful Business Sale
Optimizing Your Receivables For A Successful Business Sale Proven Strategies To Boost Your Business Value & Ensure a Smooth Sale Process If you’re thinking about selling your business, optimizing your receivables is a smart move. Not only does it boost your business’s value, but it also helps ensure a smoother sale process. In this blog, we’ll explore strategies for optimizing your receivables and discuss how this process can impact the sale of your business. 1.
How To Successfully Negotiate The Price Gap Between Business Buyers & Sellers Expert Tips For Bridging The Price Gap & Achieving a Win-Win Deal When you’re buying or selling a business, it’s not uncommon to find a difference in how much the buyer wants to pay and what the seller expects. As a business broker in Arizona, I’ve seen this happen often, and the good news is that with the right approach, it’s possible to
When Is The Right Time To Share Your Business’s Financials With a Prospective Buyer? How To Strategically Share Financial Information When Selling Your Phoenix Business When selling your Phoenix business, it’s important to balance confidentiality with providing potential buyers the information they need. Buyers will often ask for financial details early on, which can be concerning for sellers. In the wrong hands, this information could be misused, especially if it reaches competitors. One way to
Different Types of Buyers You May Encounter When Selling Your Business In Arizona Business Buyers Profiles You’ll Find When Selling Your Arizona-Based Business Selling a business can be an overwhelming task. There are many considerations that go into it including: who you are marketing to?, who is the right buyer?, where are they located?, and what are the buyer’s intentions? Knowing the answers to these questions will make selling your business easier. There are three