When Is The Right Time To Share Your Business’s Financials With a Prospective Buyer?

How To Strategically Share Financial Information When Selling Your Phoenix Business

When selling your Phoenix business, it’s important to balance confidentiality with providing potential buyers the information they need. Buyers will often ask for financial details early on, which can be concerning for sellers. In the wrong hands, this information could be misused, especially if it reaches competitors.

One way to protect yourself is by having potential buyers sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before sharing any sensitive information. While NDAs are helpful, I also use a Buyer’s Questionnaire Form to further screen potential buyers and filter out those who are not serious.

Business broker reviewing documents with a gavel on the table, keyword: Business’s Financials

How Do I Screen Buyers When Selling Your Business?

To ensure that the people interested in your business are serious and qualified, I use a Buyer’s Questionnaire Form. This form asks for basic information about the buyer, such as:

  • Business experience
  • How soon do they plan to buy
  • Financial capacity

Once I receive this information, I review it to determine if they can afford the purchase and if they are a good fit for your business. If they qualify, I then send them the Confidential Business Review (CBR).

What Information Is Included In The Confidential Business Review Document?

The CBR provides a comprehensive summary of the business and includes three years of financial data. Key details include:

  • Business Overview: A brief summary of the business, including its history, industry, and core operations.
  • Executive Summary: A high-level description of the business’s strengths, market position, and growth potential.
  • Financial Snapshot: Basic financial information such as recent revenue figures, profit margins, and seller’s discretionary earnings (SDE).
  • Products & Services: An overview of the products or services offered, including unique selling points and competitive advantages.
  • Market Information: Insights into the target market, customer base, and market share.
  • Reason for Sale: An explanation of why the business is being sold, helping to build transparency and trust.

This initial information helps potential buyers understand the business and decide if they want to pursue the opportunity further.

Detailed Information To Share During The Sales Process

As the buyer shows serious intent and makes an offer that is accepted, escrow is opened, and earnest money is required. At this stage, the Due Diligence period, more sensitive and detailed information is disclosed. This approach protects your proprietary information and ensures that only committed and vetted buyers receive critical data.

The next set of detailed information typically includes:

  • Financial Statements: Detailed financial records such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements for the past few years.
  • Tax Records: Complete tax records, including federal, state, and local tax returns for the past several years.
  • Operational Information: Insights into daily operations, including management structure, key processes, and operational efficiencies.
  • Customer & Market Data: Information on major customers, customer retention rates, market trends, and competitive analysis.
  • Legal & Regulatory Compliance: Details about any existing legal agreements, licenses, patents, trademarks, and compliance with industry regulations.
  • Employee Information: Overview of key employees, organizational structure, and any significant employment agreements or benefits.
  • Insurance Policies: Information about the business’s insurance coverage, including policy details and claims history.
  • Assets & Liabilities: Detailed list of business assets, such as property, equipment, and inventory, as well as any outstanding liabilities and debts.
  • Growth & Projections & Business Plans: Future growth strategies, projections, and any ongoing or planned projects.

This information helps buyers verify the details of the business and make an informed decision, assessing your business’s viability, strengths, and areas for improvement before proceeding to the closing.

Sell Your Business With The Help Of Phil Reese, a Certified Phoenix Business Broker!

Selling your business can be stress-free with the help of Phil Reese, a Certified Arizona Business Broker. Phil specializes in facilitating successful business transactions and will guide you through every step of the process. From valuation and marketing to negotiations and closing, he will handle all aspects of selling your business professionally and efficiently.

Contact Phil today to maximize the value of your business and achieve your desired outcomes.


Phil Reese, Your Arizona Business Broker!

Written By:

Phil Reese - Arizona Business Broker

South Phoenix Location:

Phoenix Location:

Email: [email protected]
