To Sell or Not to Sell, How to Decide
You’ve made many decisions over the years about where your business is going and now may be the time to mull over a “final” decision.
Should you let someone else take over the reins and sell your business?

See if any of the following reasons apply to you:
- You’ve taken your company as far as you can without having to make major improvements and/or a large cash injection. Maybe you don’t want to take out a loan against the business to fund the improvements/expansion.
- You don’t feel as well as you could and/or should. Has your doctor told you to make some changes?
- You’re spending way too many hours running things and you aren’t spending quality time with those closest to you. Are you a stranger in your own home?
- There have been some dreams you’ve put on hold and if you don’t take action soon it will be too late to give them a try. Maybe traveling. Maybe fishing.
- You have a compelling reason to move to another part of the country. Could be a family member wants you close by.
- You really would like to cash out and take “time off” before getting into another enterprise. You just need a break…maybe a year or two.
- Maybe a falling-out with a partner? Could be tension is causing too much grief and you don’t need it.
Well? Was there a yes, or two, or more? These are very real reasons to call me and explore an exit plan.
My name is Phil Reese. I am a Certified Business Intermediary (CBI) in Scottsdale and I am your go to guy when you want the sale of your business to be handled by an expert. You are an expert in your line of work and I’m an expert in the sale of Arizona businesses. I’ve sold businesses of all types and have a good feel for the market in this area.
I’m here to help you see how much your company could sell for in today’s market and maybe the “selling price” will be appealing to you.
Plus, I have experienced the selling process myself when I sold my company several years ago. So I do know how it feels. And I also know how it feels to be rewarded with quite a bit of cash to use as I wished. It was great.
When it comes to selecting a business broker to sell your business, you can’t go wrong by choosing an expert. Check out my website to see what others have said about my abilities.
Just so you know…everything we talk about is confidential. Give me a call at 480-707-7721 if you’d like to see if this really is the right time to exit your business.